Rhythmbox是一个伟大的linux版本的音乐播放器. 它可以容易的帮你组织音乐内容,并且是免费的. 它的灵感来自于苹果的iTunes,它使用GStreamer多媒体库开发,在GNOME桌面环境中执行结果和效果者让人感到惊艳.
* 易于使用的音乐浏览器
* 搜索和排序
* 通过使用GStreamer而支持全部音频文件格式
* 互联网电台的支持,包括last.fm流媒体
* 支持播放列表
* 显示播放可视化效果
* 轻松在ipod,USB大容量存储音乐播放器,MTP中传输数据
* 显示专辑封面和从互联网下载歌词
* 播放,提取或烧录音频CD
* 自动下载音频播客
* 从Magnatune和Jamendo音乐商店浏览,下载相册
2- GMPC (Gnome音乐播放器客户端):GMPC 是一个很好的前端音乐播放器守护程序. 它快速并且易于使用,同时它还优于mpd的所有功能(mpd?).
* 元数据支持,它可以显示艺术家的形象,专辑封面,歌词等.
* 支持插件.
* 快速, gmpc作了大量优化工作,可以很完美的运行在速度很慢的机器和连接速度慢的网络中.
* 支持配置文件,轻松使用多个mpd.
下载 屏幕截图 官方网站
3- XMMS (X多媒体系统):
XMMS (X多媒体系统) 是一个伟大的多媒体播放器,几乎可以运行于所有的系统,但在linux下却有一些特殊的地方. XMMS可以播放的多媒体文件有MP3, MOD, WAV 和其它的一些输入插件. 它是一个运行在许多类UNIX系统上的有点类似Winamp但又小于它的免费音频播放器.
下载 官方网站
4- Amarok:
Amarok 是linux和unix上另一个伟大的音乐播放器. Amarok的界面非常直观. 它是免费的自由软件. 现在, Amarok是linux上最受欢迎的音频播放器.
下载 官方网站
5- Quod Libet
Quod Libet是一个使用GTK+界面库开发的播放器, 它的主要功能特点是音乐库管理. 不同于其它的以分类, 流派,艺术家和专辑方式管理, 代之是你可以搜索然后显示它. Quod Libet 在大型音乐库管理这一点上要远胜于其它linux上的播放器.
下载 官方网站
6- Audacious:Audacious 是linux或其它基于linux系统上的免费播放器. 支持它自己的大部分是自己的一些功能插件,包括所有的解码器. 大多数系统上,默认是安装一个很有用的一个插件集, 让你有能力播放mp3,ogg,和FLAC等格式文件.
功能特点 下载 官方网站
7- Exaile:
Exaile 是一个免费的自由软件,它可以运行于所以类unix操作系统中,它是目标是要小于KDE下的Amarok,所以它使用的是GTK+不是QT.
* 自动提取专辑封面
* 处理大型的音乐库
* 提取歌词
* 通过Wikipedia返回艺术家和专辑的信息
* 双向支持last.fm (both scrobbling of played songs and retrieving related songs from the last.fm server)
* 可选的ipod运行(需要python-gpod)
* 可选的MTP(需要libmtp和pymtp)
* 可选的 iTunes DAAP 音乐分享支持
* 构建于shoutcast文件浏览器
* 多选项卡式的播放列表
* 从音乐库中列出黑名单
下载 官方网站
8- Banshee:
Banshee一个在GNU/Linux上使用Helix和GStreamer多媒体平台库来执行播放,编码,和解码Ogg,MP3和其它的格式的自由免费的音乐播放器. 你可以播放和导入CD, 轻松的与你的ipod同步分享或播放它. Banshee同样也可将播放列表报告发布到last.fm的播放列表中. 还有其它的一些很酷功能如:它可以提取CD,支持播客, 漂亮整洁的播放列表, 音乐推荐, 烧录音频,MP3,CD等等!
下载 官方网站
9- BMP (Beep Media Player)
BMP 也就是蜂鸣媒体播放器. BMP 一个基于xmms的免费音乐播放器(上述). 它看来很像Winamp,也支持它的外观主题,包括xmms的. BMP 支持所以xmms能支持的格式, 主要差别在于两个播放器之间使用的插件.
下载 官方网站
10- Sonata:
Sonata另一优雅的基于GTK + MPD前端音乐播放器 (MPD:音乐播放器守护进程). 它是自由的软件具有以下功能特征:
* 自动同步远程与本地专辑的封面
* 用户可自定义显示栏
* 自动提取歌词
* 播放列表和流媒体支持
* 支持编辑歌曲标签
* 弹出通知
* 媒体库和播放列表搜索
* Audioscrobbler (last.fm) 支持
* 多MPD配置
* 键盘友好
* 支持多媒体键
* 命令行控制
Howto Install Truecrypt with GUI tool in Ubuntu Gutsy
Files can be copied to and from a mounted TrueCrypt volume just like they are copied to/from any normal disk (for example, by simple drag-and-drop operations). Files are automatically being decrypted on-the-fly (in memory/RAM) while they are being read or copied from an encrypted TrueCrypt volume. Similarly, files that are being written or copied to the TrueCrypt volume are automatically being encrypted on-the-fly (right before they are written to the disk) in RAM. Note that this does not mean that the whole file that is to be encrypted/decrypted must be stored in RAM before it can be encrypted/decrypted. There are no extra memory (RAM) requirements for TrueCrypt.
Preparing your System
sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre python-pexpect build-essential
Now you need to download the truecrypt .deb package from here for your ubuntu version.
Now you should be having truecrypt-4.3a-ubuntu-7.10-x86.tar.gz file extract this using the following command
sudo tar xzvf truecrypt-4.3a-ubuntu-7.10-x86.tar.gz
Now you have truecrypt-4.3a folder
Go into the folder and install .deb package
sudo dpkg -i truecrypt_4.3a-0_i386.deb
Now you should be able to see the following error
Selecting previously deselected package truecrypt.
(Reading database … 133570 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking truecrypt (from truecrypt_4.3a-0_i386.deb) …
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of truecrypt:
truecrypt depends on dmsetup; however:
Package dmsetup is not installed.
dpkg: error processing truecrypt (–install):
dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:
To fix the above error run the following command
sudo apt-get -f install
This will complete the TrueCrypt installation.
tcgui - TrueCrypt GUI
These functions are integrated already:
Mount/Unmount TrueCrypt volumes
Create volumes easily with the wizard
Change volume password easily
Backup / Restore volume headers
Manage your favourites
Mount several volumes with one click
The tcgui looks similar to the windows GUI for truecrypt
You need to download tcgui from here
now you have tcgui.0.4.tar.gz file extract using the following command
sudo tar xzvf tcgui.0.4.tar.gz
Now you have tcgui-0.4 go in to this folder run the following command
cd tcgui-0.4
sudo bash install.sh $USER
Note:- simply copy & paste the above command
Using tcgui
If you want to open goto Applications—>Accessories—>TrueCrypt GUI
Click on “Yes” if you agree with the warranty agreement.
Once it opens you should be able to see similar to the following screen
Uninstall tcgui
If you want to Uninstall the TrueCrypt GUI open a terminal and enter the following command
sudo bash /usr/share/tcgui/uninstall.sh
Note: The group “truecrypt” will not be deleted and the changes in the sudo configuration will not be restored.
Howto Install TOR,Privoxy and Tor GUI Programs (Vidalia,Tork and Torbutton)in Ubuntu
Tor works with many of your existing applications, including web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote login, and other applications based on the TCP protocol.
Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying
web page data, managing HTTP cookies, controlling access, and removing ads, banners, pop-ups and other
obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual
needs and tastes. Privoxy has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks.
Install Tor and privoxy in Ubuntu
sudo aptitude install tor privoxy
This will complete the installation.
GUI Tools Available for Tor
Currently we have the following TOR GUI Applications
Vidalia is a cross-platform controller GUI for the Tor software, built using the Qt framework. Using Vidalia, you can start and stop the Tor software, view its status at a glance, and monitor bandwidth usage. Vidalia also makes it easy to contribute to the Tor network by helping you set up and manage your own relay.
Torbutton is a 1-click way for Firefox users to enable or disable the browser’s use of Tor. It adds a panel to the statusbar that says “Tor Enabled” (in green) or “Tor Disabled” (in red). The user may click on the panel to toggle the status. If the user (or some other extension) changes the proxy settings, the change is automatically reflected in the statusbar.
Some users may prefer a toolbar button instead of a statusbar panel. Such a button is included, and one adds it to the toolbar by right-clicking on the desired toolbar, selecting “Customize…”, and then dragging the Torbutton icon onto the toolbar. There is an option in the preferences to hide the statusbar panel (Tools->Extensions, select Torbutton, and click on Preferences).
Newer Firefoxes have the ability to send DNS resolves through the socks proxy, and Torbutton will make use of this feature if it is available in your version of Firefox.
TorK is a powerful anonymity manager for the KDE Desktop on Linux and Unix systems. It first helps you
to install, configure and use Tor. It then reduces the task of anonymizing most applications to a single-click, including Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, Pidgin, Kopete, SSH, and IRC. For advanced users TorK
provides detailed network information, and more, in an accessible manner.
If you wish to run TorK locally, please install the tor and privoxy packages.
Features include:
* Browse anonymously on Konqueror/Firefox/Opera.
* Send anonymous email via the MixMinion network.
* Use Internet Messaging and IRC anonymously.
* Create and manage hidden services.
Install Vidalia in Ubuntu Gutsy and Hardy
You need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file using the following command or Go to System->Preferences->Software Sources and enter these repositories into 3rd Party Repositories and click
on reload.
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
add the following lines
For Hardy Users
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/adnarim/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/adnarim/ubuntu hardy main
For Gutsy Users
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/adnarim/ubuntu gutsy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/adnarim/ubuntu gutsy main
Save and exit the file
Now you need to update the source list using the following command
sudo aptitude update
Install Vidalia using the following command
sudo aptitude install vidalia
this will complete the installation.
Now you need to open Vidalia Go to Applications—>Internet—>Vidalia
After opening you should be able see similar to the following screen.If you want to change the settings click on settings in the following screen
If you want to see Network Map click on View the Network on the above Screen
Tor Bandwidth usage
If Tor is working you can see similar to the following icon marked in Red in your notification area
If you want to configure firefox for browsing check this
Install TorK in Ubuntu
If you want to install TorK use the following command
sudo aptitude install tork
Install Torbutton in Ubuntu
Download Torbutton from here and install for your firefox2008年5月11日星期日
sudo apt-get install unison-gtk
图形界面一目了然,有Right to Left和Left to Right,即双向同步,还有Merge、Diff等文件合并或比较的操作。
lmplayer不能在线下载歌词问题 - [好记性不如烂笔头]
修改/home/jason/.lmplayer/lmplayer.cfg 文件,正确设置歌词下载后的存放目录
Dict.CN 海词 for Linux客户端 - [ubuntu备案文档]
或者用add to search bar 将http://dict.cn/添加到firefox搜索框,这样查单词也很方便。
Diffuse: 文件比较及合并工具
有时,我们需要对一个文件的不同版本进行比较,以了解其差异。这时候专门的文件比较工具就派上用场了。今天我们介绍的 Diffuse 就是这样一个用来对文本文件进行比较和合并的专业工具。
Diffuse 的特色
当前,Diffuse 具有如下特色:
- 可视化比较,非常直观。
- 支持两相比较和三相比较。这就是说,使用 Diffuse 你可以同时比较两个或三个文本文件。
- 支持常见的版本控制工具,包括 CVS、subversion、git、mercurial 等。你可以通过 Diffuse 直接从版本控制系统获取源代码,以便对其进行比较和合并。
- 支持像 C++、Python、Java、XML 等语言的语法高亮显示。
- 能够直接在 Diffuse 中编辑文件。
- 支持 UTF-8 编码。
- 可以使用快捷键轻松导航。
Diffuse 最新版本为 0.2.11,需要 Python 和 PyGTK。你可以从这里下载它。
在 Linux 下,已经有一些文件比较工具,比如我们曾经提到的命令行的 ColorDiff、图形化的 Meld、BeeDiff、适合 KDE 环境的 KDiff3、Kompare 等等。你可以根据自己的需要来进行选择。
P.S. 因为明天我将远行,所以最近恐无法及时更新,望各位读者见谅。
Bash 的 insert-completions 功能
要说 Bash 中的语法功能,大家最熟悉的估计就是 “*” 了,可以自动替换成当前目录下的所有文件。
不过,有的时候,想要去掉其中的一个文件怎么办呢?这就要用到 Bash 的 insert-completions 功能呢。
所谓 insert-completions,就是把 “*” 的自动替换结果,插入到命令中来,你只要按下:
Alt + *
觉得修改文件名麻烦? 那就要好好学习一下 Bash 中快速编辑命令的快捷键,你也可以参考一下这篇文章。