
Ubuntu 8.04加源安装Google Gadgets

注,此篇是Ubuntu 8.04下加源安装Google Gadgets的方法,用户不再需要自行编译了,而且能一直保持最新。

Google Gadgets是一套跨平台的桌面工具集,for Linux版本刚刚公布不久。


在ubuntu 8.04中:


sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list


deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/googlegadgets/ubuntu hardy main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/googlegadgets/ubuntu hardy main


接下来就是更新系统和安装Google Gadgets

sudo aptitude update

sudo aptitude install google-gadgets


keke@Lin:~$ sudo aptitude install google-gadgets
[sudo] password for keke:
正在读取软件包列表… 完成
读取状态信息… 完成
正在初始化软件包状态… 完成
正在编辑扩展状态信息… 完成
创建标签数据库… 完成
libmozjs0d libqtwebkit1d libxul-common libxul0d
google-gadgets libmozjs0d libqtwebkit1d libxul-common libxul0d
0 个软件包被升级,新安装5 个, 0 个将被删除, 同时 0 个将不升级。
需要获取 19.8MB 的存档。 解包后将要使用 61.9MB。
您要继续吗?[Y/n/?] y








linux下的千千静听lmplayer - [ubuntu备案文档]

linux下的千千静听lmplayer - [ubuntu备案文档]







A much easier way to install Ubuntu on a USB device (Stick or HD)!

I was reading How to install Ubuntu Linux from USB Stick posted on this site a while ago, and found it to be quite some work to get Ubuntu working on a USB stick. Besides, having to prepare your USB device, creating a separate partition on it which will be more or less “useless” after the installation, giving up 750MB of space?

There had to be a better way.

Together with a colleague of mine, I decided to figure out whether there could be an easier way to install Ubuntu on a USB device.

I found a way of doing it in a much simpler way… without creating the separate partition to store the LiveCD:

A couple of assumptions to take into account when going through this manual:

  • My computer (Dell D820 laptop) has 1 internal disk, devided into 3 partitions (dell utility - windows - Ubuntu 8.04)
  • Just one USB device (in my case a 250GB harddisk
  • BIOS configured to enable boot from internal HDD, CD/DVD and USB Storage device

(I didn’t take screenshots, so I will be explaining a lot about the screens… It looks like a lot of work, but trust me: it is not, and it really is easy:-)

  1. Insert the LiveCD into your computer;
  2. Connect your USB device;
  3. Boot your computer from the liveCD;
  4. Once Ubuntu is started, go to System - Administration - Partition Manager
    This will open the Partion Editor. Select your USB device and delete all partitions on it. Click Apply and exit Partition Editor;
  5. Double Click the Install Icon. This will start the Installer;
  6. The Welcome Screen is shown. Choose your language and click Forward;
  7. Select your Time Zone and click Forward;
  8. Choose your Keyboard Layout and click Forward;
  9. The partitioner will be started, and you will be given the choice where to install Ubuntu. Choose Guided - Use entire disk, selecting your USB device (this will most likely be /dev/sdb, don’t choose /dev/sdb1!);
  10. The next sceen you will give your username/password information. Provide the required info and hit Forward;
  11. If there is anything to migrate from other installations on your computer (most likely not), do whatever you want, and click Forward;
  12. The next screen is important - It is titled: “Ready to Install”. Be careful here: before clicking on Forward, make sure you click on the “Advanced” Button!
    This will open a new screen, giving you the option whether and where to install the bootloader. Select your USB device (in my case it was /dev/sdb) to install the bootloader to;
    Exit this screen and click on Forward in the “Ready to Install” screen, which will be shown;
  13. The installation will be started now. Just be patient, grab a cup of coffee and come back 15 minutes later, your installation will be more or less finished by then.

So you have finished the installation. However, when you will be restarting your system from USB, you will find out that the partition you just installed Ubuntu to cannot be mounted.
Here comes the trick:

  1. Once the installation is finished, reboot your PC (this is the safest) from your LiveCD, with your USB device connected;
  2. Once started, open up a terminal (Applications - Accessories - Terminal);
  3. In the Terminal, type: sudo -i (which will give you root privileges, so be careful from now on!);
  4. Change directories to /media/disk/boot/grub - This will take you to the “/boot/grub” directory on the USB device;
  5. open menu.lst with vi (make a backup first!)
  6. Go to line 130 (or somewhere in that area).
    You will find a line looking like:
    ## ## End Default options ##
    And underneath it you will find three entries pointing to your Ubuntu you just installed:
    title Ubuntu 8.04, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic
    root (hd1,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz………
    initrd /boot/initrd…….
    (the above 5 lines repeat 3 times with slight differences)
  7. The magic trick is to change (hd1,0) into (hd0,0) for all these three entries.
    Why? Booting from USB device makes your USB device hd0, in stead of hd1 at time of installation.
  8. Search for the line starting with “# groot=(hd1,0)” and change (hd1,0) to (hd0,0) - Don’t delete the # at te beginning of this line!
  9. Once you did this, you can optionally remove the remaining of the file
    (everything underneath ### END DEBIAN AUTOMATIC KERNELS LIST);
  10. Save the file, make sure it is owned by root:ubuntu (chgrp ubuntu menu.* will do)
  11. Edit device.map (in the same directory) and change the mapping of hd0 to /dev/sdb.
  12. Reboot your machine, from USB, choose the Ubuntu installation from the Boot Loader and you are one happy person.

I guess that is it. If I missed something, please comment.


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Linux 技巧:让进程在后台可靠运行的几种方法

2008 年 5 月 29 日

想让进程在断开连接后依然保持运行?如果该进程已经开始运行了该如何补救? 如果有大量这类需求如何简化操作?

我 们经常会碰到这样的问题,用 telnet/ssh 登录了远程的 Linux 服务器,运行了一些耗时较长的任务, 结果却由于网络的不稳定导致任务中途失败。如何让命令提交后不受本地关闭终端窗口/网络断开连接的干扰呢?下面举了一些例子, 您可以针对不同的场景选择不同的方式来处理这个问题。




hangup 名称的来由
在 Unix 的早期版本中,每个终端都会通过 modem 和系统通讯。当用户 logout 时,modem 就会挂断(hang up)电话。 同理,当 modem 断开连接时,就会给终端发送 hangup 信号来通知其关闭所有子进程。


我们知道,当用户注销(logout)或者网络断开时,终端会收到 HUP(hangup)信号从而关闭其所有子进程。因此,我们的解决办法就有两种途径:要么让进程忽略 HUP 信号,要么让进程运行在新的会话里从而成为不属于此终端的子进程。

1. nohup

nohup 无疑是我们首先想到的办法。顾名思义,nohup 的用途就是让提交的命令忽略 hangup 信号。让我们先来看一下 nohup 的帮助信息:

NOHUP(1)                        User Commands                        NOHUP(1)

nohup - run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

nohup COMMAND [ARG]...
nohup OPTION

Run COMMAND, ignoring hangup signals.

--help display this help and exit

output version information and exit

可见,nohup 的使用是十分方便的,只需在要处理的命令前加上 nohup 即可,标准输出和标准错误缺省会被重定向到 nohup.out 文件中。一般我们可在结尾加上"&"来将命令同时放入后台运行,也可用">filename 2>&1"来更改缺省的重定向文件名。

nohup 示例
[root@pvcent107 ~]# nohup ping www.ibm.com &
[1] 3059
nohup: appending output to `nohup.out'
[root@pvcent107 ~]# ps -ef |grep 3059
root 3059 984 0 21:06 pts/3 00:00:00 ping www.ibm.com
root 3067 984 0 21:06 pts/3 00:00:00 grep 3059
[root@pvcent107 ~]#


nohup 无疑能通过忽略 HUP 信号来使我们的进程避免中途被中断,但如果我们换个角度思考,如果我们的进程不属于接受 HUP 信号的终端的子进程,那么自然也就不会受到 HUP 信号的影响了。setsid 就能帮助我们做到这一点。让我们先来看一下 setsid 的帮助信息:

SETSID(8)                 Linux Programmer’s Manual                 SETSID(8)

setsid - run a program in a new session

setsid program [ arg ... ]

setsid runs a program in a new session.

可见 setsid 的使用也是非常方便的,也只需在要处理的命令前加上 setsid 即可。

setsid 示例
[root@pvcent107 ~]# setsid ping www.ibm.com
[root@pvcent107 ~]# ps -ef |grep www.ibm.com
root 31094 1 0 07:28 ? 00:00:00 ping www.ibm.com
root 31102 29217 0 07:29 pts/4 00:00:00 grep www.ibm.com
[root@pvcent107 ~]#

值得注意的是,上例中我们的进程 ID(PID)为31094,而它的父 ID(PPID)为1(即为 init 进程 ID),并不是当前终端的进程 ID。请将此例与nohup 例中的父 ID 做比较。


这里还有一个关于 subshell 的小技巧。我们知道,将一个或多个命名包含在“()”中就能让这些命令在子 shell 中运行中,从而扩展出很多有趣的功能,我们现在要讨论的就是其中之一。

当我们将"&"也放入“()”内之后,我们就会发现所提交的作业并不在作业列表中,也就是说,是无法通过jobs来查看的。让我们来看看为什么这样就能躲过 HUP 信号的影响吧。

subshell 示例
[root@pvcent107 ~]# (ping www.ibm.com &)
[root@pvcent107 ~]# ps -ef |grep www.ibm.com
root 16270 1 0 14:13 pts/4 00:00:00 ping www.ibm.com
root 16278 15362 0 14:13 pts/4 00:00:00 grep www.ibm.com
[root@pvcent107 ~]#

从上例中可以看出,新提交的进程的父 ID(PPID)为1(init 进程的 PID),并不是当前终端的进程 ID。因此并不属于当前终端的子进程,从而也就不会受到当前终端的 HUP 信号的影响了。




我们已经知道,如果事先在命令前加上 nohup 或者 setsid 就可以避免 HUP 信号的影响。但是如果我们未加任何处理就已经提交了命令,该如何补救才能让它避免 HUP 信号的影响呢?


这时想加 nohup 或者 setsid 已经为时已晚,只能通过作业调度和 disown 来解决这个问题了。让我们来看一下 disown 的帮助信息:

disown [-ar] [-h] [jobspec ...]
Without options, each jobspec is removed from the table of
active jobs. If the -h option is given, each jobspec is not
removed from the table, but is marked so that SIGHUP is not
sent to the job if the shell receives a SIGHUP. If no jobspec
is present, and neither the -a nor the -r option is supplied,
the current job is used. If no jobspec is supplied, the -a
option means to remove or mark all jobs; the -r option without
a jobspec argument restricts operation to running jobs. The
return value is 0 unless a jobspec does not specify a valid


灵活运用 CTRL-z
在 我们的日常工作中,我们可以用 CTRL-z 来将当前进程挂起到后台暂停运行,执行一些别的操作,然后再用 fg 来将挂起的进程重新放回前台(也可用 bg 来将挂起的进程放在后台)继续运行。这样我们就可以在一个终端内灵活切换运行多个任务,这一点在调试代码时尤为有用。因为将代码编辑器挂起到后台再重新放 回时,光标定位仍然停留在上次挂起时的位置,避免了重新定位的麻烦。
  • disown -h jobspec 来使某个作业忽略HUP信号。
  • disown -ah 来使所有的作业都忽略HUP信号。
  • disown -rh 来使正在运行的作业忽略HUP信号。

需要注意的是,当使用过 disown 之后,会将把目标作业从作业列表中移除,我们将不能再使用jobs来查看它,但是依然能够用ps -ef查找到它。

但是还有一个问题,这种方法的操作对象是作业,如果我们在运行命令时在结尾加了"&"来使它成为一个作业并在后台运行,那么就万事大吉了,我们可以通过jobs命令来得到所有作业的列表。但是如果并没有把当前命令作为作业来运行,如何才能得到它的作业号呢?答案就是用 CTRL-z(按住Ctrl键的同时按住z键)了!

CTRL-z 的用途就是将当前进程挂起(Suspend),然后我们就可以用jobs命令来查询它的作业号,再用bg jobspec 来将它放入后台并继续运行。需要注意的是,如果挂起会影响当前进程的运行结果,请慎用此方法。

disown 示例1(如果提交命令时已经用“&”将命令放入后台运行,则可以直接使用“disown”)
[root@pvcent107 build]# cp -r testLargeFile largeFile &
[1] 4825
[root@pvcent107 build]# jobs
[1]+ Running cp -i -r testLargeFile largeFile &
[root@pvcent107 build]# disown -h %1
[root@pvcent107 build]# ps -ef |grep largeFile
root 4825 968 1 09:46 pts/4 00:00:00 cp -i -r testLargeFile largeFile
root 4853 968 0 09:46 pts/4 00:00:00 grep largeFile
[root@pvcent107 build]# logout

disown 示例2(如果提交命令时未使用“&”将命令放入后台运行,可使用 CTRL-z 和“bg”将其放入后台,再使用“disown”)
[root@pvcent107 build]# cp -r testLargeFile largeFile2

[1]+ Stopped cp -i -r testLargeFile largeFile2
[root@pvcent107 build]# bg %1
[1]+ cp -i -r testLargeFile largeFile2 &
[root@pvcent107 build]# jobs
[1]+ Running cp -i -r testLargeFile largeFile2 &
[root@pvcent107 build]# disown -h %1
[root@pvcent107 build]# ps -ef |grep largeFile2
root 5790 5577 1 10:04 pts/3 00:00:00 cp -i -r testLargeFile largeFile2
root 5824 5577 0 10:05 pts/3 00:00:00 grep largeFile2
[root@pvcent107 build]#




我们已经知道了如何让进程免受 HUP 信号的影响,但是如果有大量这种命令需要在稳定的后台里运行,如何避免对每条命令都做这样的操作呢?


此 时最方便的方法就是 screen 了。简单的说,screen 提供了 ANSI/VT100 的终端模拟器,使它能够在一个真实终端下运行多个全屏的伪终端。screen 的参数很多,具有很强大的功能,我们在此仅介绍其常用功能以及简要分析一下为什么使用 screen 能够避免 HUP 信号的影响。我们先看一下 screen 的帮助信息:

SCREEN(1)                                                           SCREEN(1)

screen - screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation

screen [ -options ] [ cmd [ args ] ]
screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]]
screen -r sessionowner/[[pid.]tty[.host]]

Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical
terminal between several processes (typically interactive shells).
Each virtual terminal provides the functions of a DEC VT100 terminal
and, in addition, several control functions from the ISO 6429 (ECMA
48, ANSI X3.64) and ISO 2022 standards (e.g. insert/delete line and
support for multiple character sets). There is a scrollback history
buffer for each virtual terminal and a copy-and-paste mechanism that
allows moving text regions between windows.

使用 screen 很方便,有以下几个常用选项:

  • screen -dmS session name 来建立一个处于断开模式下的会话(并指定其会话名)。
  • screen -list 来列出所有会话。
  • screen -r session name 来重新连接指定会话。
  • 用快捷键CTRL-a d 来暂时断开当前会话。

screen 示例
[root@pvcent107 ~]# screen -dmS Urumchi
[root@pvcent107 ~]# screen -list
There is a screen on:
12842.Urumchi (Detached)
1 Socket in /tmp/screens/S-root.

[root@pvcent107 ~]# screen -r Urumchi

当我们用“-r”连接到 screen 会话后,我们就可以在这个伪终端里面为所欲为,再也不用担心 HUP 信号会对我们的进程造成影响,也不用给每个命令前都加上“nohup”或者“setsid”了。这是为什么呢?让我来看一下下面两个例子吧。

1. 未使用 screen 时新进程的进程树
[root@pvcent107 ~]# ping www.google.com &
[1] 9499
[root@pvcent107 ~]# pstree -H 9499

我们可以看出,未使用 screen 时我们所处的 bash 是 sshd 的子进程,当 ssh 断开连接时,HUP 信号自然会影响到它下面的所有子进程(包括我们新建立的 ping 进程)。

2. 使用了 screen 后新进程的进程树
[root@pvcent107 ~]# screen -r Urumchi
[root@pvcent107 ~]# ping www.ibm.com &
[1] 9488
[root@pvcent107 ~]# pstree -H 9488

而使用了 screen 后就不同了,此时 bash 是 screen 的子进程,而 screen 是 init(PID为1)的子进程。那么当 ssh 断开连接时,HUP 信号自然不会影响到 screen 下面的子进程了。